期刊名称:Liminalities : a Journal of Performance Studies
页码:15 to 25-15 to 25
其他摘要:Naturally, majority of oil producing plants and their seeds are adversely affected by seed borne pathogens which lead in to deterioration of seed quality. It has been investigated that some bacterial and fungal pathogens produce effecters which directly affect seed quality as well as plant health. Present research is on five microbial species which were isolated from ground nut farm and taken under investigation. Two parameters like oil content and iodine concentration of oil were studied which directly show seed quality. Both bacterial and fungal cultures were isolated and effecters were extracted from respective species followed by their treatment to the seeds revealed clear decrement in oil content which was 10 to 60 % in case of both bacterial spp. which were Staphylococcus citrus & Staphylococcus aureus. Other part of investigation revealed effect of four fungal effecters on oil content which again more prominent and significant in which steep decrease of oil content has reported. The least oil content was reported in case of Aspergillus species and Fusarium spp. in which 24 to 70% decrement with respect to control seeds was reported. In the other parameter, iodine content decrease in concentration was noted successfully which denotes overall detriment in seed oil quality. It was also found that the deterioration of seed quality became more prominent with seed age in which three sample seeds were taken after 7 days of intervals so 7days old, 14 days old and 21 days old seeds were taken from which most significant deterioration was reported in case of 21 days old seeds. KEY WORD: Effecters, Seed quality, Deterioration, Seed borne pathogens.