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  • 标题:User's perception of services quality of the Central Public Library Bahawalpur.
  • 作者:Bhatti, Rubina ; Marwat, Atta-ur-Rehman ; Khan, Shakeel Ahmad
  • 期刊名称:Library Philosophy and Practice
  • 印刷版ISSN:1522-0222
  • 出版年度:2015
  • 期号:June
  • 出版社:University of Idaho Library

User's perception of services quality of the Central Public Library Bahawalpur.

Bhatti, Rubina ; Marwat, Atta-ur-Rehman ; Khan, Shakeel Ahmad 等


Public libraries play a very significant role in developing informational system for lifelong learning of the general public. Public libraries can access the global information by utilizing the virtue of information technology. Public library can provide access to the peer-reviewed online journals and help the individuals of the society in obtaining quality information for improving education, research and knowledge. Librarians working in public libraries can meet the new demands of the users by fulfilling their information needs in effective way (Haggstrom, 2004). Public libraries are crucial institutions for providing education. It is essential for adult education and improving literacy rate in any country (Akparobore, 2011). Public library is a cultural library that aims at satisfying the customer's information needs (Zhong, 2007). Public library can develop quality services to fulfill the needs of target market. Public library through careful planning strategies can attract the attention of potential users by encouraging them to use the library services for their needs (Change & Hsieh, 1996). Public libraries can tailor quality information services to meet the information needs of its users. Public libraries can attract users with careful marketing and planning strategies to attract the potential users (Nsieh, 1997). The Central Public Library Bahawalpur is regarded as a prestigious and historical institution of the City. It has a very fine building of classical Italian style of architecture. It was founded in 1924 by the Nawab Sir Sadiq Muhammad Khan Abbasi. It has three separate blocks for the users. The library possesses more than one lack collection of information to cater the information needs of the locality.

Problem Statement

Public libraries can play significant role in the development of information society in any country. Public libraries must build effective information services for satisfying educational and informational needs of its users. To provide effective information services, it is essential to measure the perception of library users with quality of library services in order to ascertain that whether the library is meeting the diversifying information needs of its users or not. The instant study has been conducted to achieve this aim.

Research Objectives

1. To investigate the user's perceptions of services quality of The Central Public Library of Bahawalpur.

2. To ascertain the purpose of using library resources and services.

3. To explore the Problems faced by the users while using the library.

Research Method

Quantitative research method was used by adopting survey research technique. Study used literature based questionnaire to collect data from the respondents. The second researcher surveyed the Central Public Library of Bahawalpur and collected data from the respondents. Convenient sample of 50 respondents was taken due to shortage of users in the library during survey. The collected data was arranged, sorted, analyzed and interpreted in Chapter 4. SPSS was used to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics were applied to measure the degree of responses and to reach the results.

Review of Related Studies

Investigating user's perception regarding quality of library services is a fine tool to examine the role of library in providing effective information services to its user. It provides feedback for library administrations to evaluate library services and bring necessary improvement in its services if necessary. Given section provides the review of different studies conducted to measure user's satisfaction with different services provided by public libraries in different countries.

Iwhiwhu (2012) studied the users' level of satisfaction with public library of Edo State. Results indicated that respondents were not satisfied with information resources provided in the library. They did not show their satisfaction with the availability of text books, journals, CD-ROM services and other recreational materials available in the library. Study found that the library is not achieving its objectives in satisfying the information needs of its users. Findings revealed that users were satisfied with other than literary services provided in the library such as sitting plan, library space, air condition, photocopier service, lighting in the library, circulation and computer services. Nzivo (2012) examined the public library system and information services in Kenya. Study used Survey technique questionnaire as a tool to collect data. Majority of the respondents were students (64.3 %) while other were administrator, businessmen, lawyers, accountants and information officers. Findings showed that OPAC of the library is widely used by the users to find the information, they were using library catalogue (15.2 %). Results also indicated that respondent's satisfaction with library services was (69.3 %). They were utilizing internet facility (63.3 %). They regarded the computer services in the library as very good (84.2 %). Islam (2012) conducted focus group discussion to evaluate the library services in northern districts of Bangladesh. Study also highlighted the information needs of rural community. Respondents mentioned that they need information for education, health care, food and nutrition, family planning, agriculture information needs such as information about weather, soil, seeds, fertilizers and pesticides. They mentioned that they also need information about cultivation of vegetables and dairy development. They described that in leisure time they visit their neighbor or friends. They pointed out that they like to read books on poetry, text books, and books on religion, agriculture, poultry, biography and livestock. They were aware of the rural library services and use library for finding needed information.

Pors (2010) analyzed the services for citizens by public libraries in Denmark. Study found that the library staff working in public libraries of Denmark welcomes the new work tasks. Library visitors in Denmark public libraries appreciated the provision of new services. They utilize the new services for acquiring required information. Manjunatha and Shivalingaiah (2004) measured the customer's perception of service quality in libraries and found that customers of the library expect that library should offer good resources and services. Study found that the satisfied customer brings more users to the library. Study concluded that there is a need of leadership qualities in library staff for promoting library services to the customers. Gallimore (1999) overviewed the challenges faced by public library managers and found that the change with the library science profession has changed the responsibilities of public library managers. Due to this change public library managers are facing issues such as use of technology in libraries, staff and services issues.

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Gender of Respondents

Out of 50 respondents, 34 were male and 16 were female library users.

Type of Library Users

Results showed that different types of users including students, researchers, govt. servants and users from different occupations visit the Central Public library Bahawalpur. However, students are in majority.

Purpose of Library Use

Respondent's purpose of library use was inquired. Majority was using library for general readings (n= 20, 40 %). There were also using the library for their research work, entertainment (n= 10, 20 %) and career development (n= 5, 10 %).

Information Sources Used by Library Users

A list of different library sources was provided to the respondents and they were asked to mention the frequency of their usage. Given table shows that they frequently use library books, journals, dictionaries, encyclopedias, Internet service, govt. publications, yearbooks and media/T.V/Radio etc. It shows that they were using maximum information sources of the library.

Frequency of Library Usage

Respondents asked to mention the frequency of their library usage. Findings showed that they were frequently using the library. It shows that library is offering good services.

Satisfaction with Library Services

User's satisfaction with library services should be the prime goal of any library. Results depicted that they were satisfied with circulation services, reference services, special collection, Internet facility, reading rooks facility and newspaper/magazine services. It was found that library should improve digital collection services and adult education program as the respondents were not fully satisfied with these services.

Respondent's Opinion about different Library Services & Staff

Different library facilities were evaluated in the light of respondent's opinion. They agreed that library collection is adequate and organized, library environment is conducive, there are recreational facilities for children, it conducts seminars, book fairs, computers are adequate, opening hours are convenient, membership process is easy, library staff is co-operative and competent, library keeps it users up-date regarding new development in their fields of interest. They were satisfied with the overall services provided by the Central Public Library of Bahawalpur.

Problems Faced by Library Users

Most of the respondents mentioned that electronic resources are not available in the library (n= 25). Library should arrange e-resources of information for the users as they are interested in using e-resources. Some of the respondents mentioned that required information is not found and there is a lack of users training programs (n= 10). Very few respondents complained against the lack of support from library staff (n= 05).

Key Findings:

1. The Central Public Library of Bahawalpur is offering good quality of services.

2. The library users are effectively utilizing library services and visit the library frequently.

3. They are satisfied with different library collections and overall services provided by the library.

4. They are interested in utilizing electronic sources of information and demanded e-resources in the library.

5. They need trainings for utilizing the library more effectively.

Conclusion & Recommendations

Study concluded that The Central Public Library of Bahawalpur is offering good quality of services to its users as the library users were found satisfied with different library collections and services. It is plausible that the library users showed their positive perceptions about the quality of library services and were satisfied with overall services of the library. However, library should offer electronic resources for the users as they are interested to use e-resources. Library should also offer training programs for the users in using different type of library services. Library should conduct seminar, workshops and user education programs to educate the library users to utilize library services for lifelong learning. Library administration should focus to organize special activities in the library to make the library as the centre for innovation, learning and cultural development.


Haggstrom, B.M. (2004). The role of libraries in lifelong learning. Final report of the IFLA project under the section for Public Libraries. Retrieved: http://archive.ifla.org/VII/s8/proi/Lifelong-LearningReport.pdf

Akparobore, D. (2011). The role of public libraries in promoting adult education in Nigeria. Retrieved: http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1471&context=libphilprac

Zhong, H. (2007). Research on reader self-services in public library. Library Management, 28(1/2), 101-106.

Change, P. & Hsieh, P. Customer involvement with services in public libraries. Library Review, 48(8), 1996.

Nsieh, P.N.P.N. (1997). Customer's involvement with services in public libraries. Asian Libraries, 6(3/4), 242-249.

Iwhiwhu, B.E. (2012). Public library information resources, facilities, and services: user satisfaction with the Edo State Central Library, Benin-City, Nigeria. Retrieved: http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1821&context=libphil prac

Nzivo, C.N. (2012). User perception on library services and information resources in Kenyan Public Libraries. Library Review, 61(2), 110-127.

Islam, S. (2012). Rural library services: a qualitative assessment of information provision in selected rural communities in northern districts of Bangladesh. New Library World, 113(3/4), 118-138.

Pors, N.O. (2010). Citizen services and public libraries: an analysis of new services in Danish public libraries. New Library World, 111(7/8), 263-272.

Manjunatha & Shivalingaiah. (2004). Customer's perception of service quality in libraries. Annals of Library and Information Studies, 51(4), 145-151.

Gallimore, A. (1999). Managing the networked public library. Library Management, 20(7), 384-392.

Dr. RubinaBhaiit

Chairperspon, DLIS, Thelslamia University of Bahawalpur

dr.rubvtariq@ gmail.com


M.Phil, Thelslamia University of Bahawalpur

Shakeel Ahmad Khan

Librarian, GC University, Lahore

Shakeelkhan575@ gmail.com Table 1 Frequency of Respondent's Gender Gender Frequency Percent Male 34 68 Female 16 32 Total 50 100.0 Table 2 Frequency of User's Type Users types Frequency Percent Student 25 50 Researcher 10 20 Professional occupation 5 10 Govt.Servant 10 20 Total 50 100 Table 3 Purposes of using the Public Library Purpose Frequency Percent General Reading 20 40 Research work 10 20 Entertainment 10 20 Career Development 5 10 Table 4 Information Sources used by LibraryUsers Information source Mean Std. Deviation Book 2.89 .895 Journal 2.73 .949 Dictionaries 2.65 1.089 Encyclopedias 2.55 1.022 Internet 2.59 1.127 Govt.Publications 2.77 .868 Newspapers/Magazines 2.32 1.196 Media/T.V/Radio 2.73 1.086 Year book /Annual Report. 2.82 1.225 Note: 1= Seldom, 2= Sometimes, 3= Frequently 4= Always Table 5 Library usage by the users Frequency of Library Usage Mean Std. Deviation How often do you use the Library? 2.73 1.086 Note: 1 = Seldom, 2 = Sometimes, 3 = Frequently 4 = Always Table 6 Satisfaction with Library Services Library services Mean Std. Deviation Circulation 2.93 1.043 Reference 2.91 .884 Digital Collection 2.32 1.377 Special Collection 2.57 1.043 Govt. documents 2.30 1.173 Adult education program 2.30 1.231 Internet facility 2.66 1.098 Reading rooms facility 2.68 1.116 Newspapers and Magazines 2.91 .884 facilities. (latest and old ones) Note: 1= Not satisfied, 2=Satisfied to some extent, 3=Satisfied Table 7 Opinion about different Library Facilities Opinions Mean Std. Dev. Library collection is adequate 2.89 .895 for my needs. Library collection is well 2.73 .949 organized and easy to find. Library environment (cooling, 2.55 1.022 water, noise level, lighting, cleanliness,) is conducive Library provides recreational 2.59 1.127 facilities for the children. Library arranges seminars, 2.77 .868 book fairs, and book exhibitions round the year. Library computers are adequate 2.73 1.086 for my study needs. Library opening hours are 2.82 1.225 appropriate for my study needs. Library membership procedure 2.70 1.250 is easy. Books borrowing procedure is 2.73 1.065 easy and is users friendly. Library staff is co- 2.98 1.035 operative, competent and helpful. Photocopying facility is easy 2.98 .963 for the users The Library keeps me up-to 2.95 .939 date about the developments in my field of interest. I am satisfied with the 3.02 .927 overall quality of Library services. Note: 1= Strongly disagree,2= Disagree, 3= Agree, 4= Strongly Agree Table 8 Problems Faced by Library Users Problem Frequency Percent Required information is not available 10 20 Non availability of Electronic resources 25 50 Lack of users training program about 10 20 the use of Library resources. Lack of support from library staff 05 10