摘要:This paper brings understanding to the ethical dimensions of human health researchconducted in the context of contaminated sites. Principle-based ethical analysis, complementedwith virtuous traits of character, aid in bringing clarity to recommendations foractions following research. Epidemiology is the discipline for conducting health researchnot only because of its methodological foundations, but also because of its social justicefocus. Because contaminated sites include communities that have been exposed to excessiveconcentrations of hazardous substances, extra care is needed when using epidemiology.For instance, vigilance over potential influence and engagement with affectedcommunities are needed. Community engagement not only aids in understanding thecontextual framework, but also demonstrates respect for both community and individualautonomy. Ethical analysis makes transparent the rationale for decisions against whichresearchers can be held accountable and provides a basis for evaluating observed outcomesas a function of the rationale provided for past actions.
关键词:applied ethics; biomedical ethics; public health ethics; virtue ethics; social justice; public interest science