标题:Fostering public health awareness on risks in contaminated sites. Capacity building and dissemination of scientific evidence Paola De Castro, Roberto Pasetto, Daniela Marsili and Pietro Comba
摘要:The article focuses on the multidisciplinary nature of public health and the need to developtarget oriented capacity building and dissemination plans taking into account bothscientific evidence and the information needs of the different stakeholders. In particular, issuesregarding stakeholders’ involvement in epidemiological studies in contaminated sites,considering their different levels of awareness on risk characterization and management,are discussed. In a public health perspective, the main stakeholders in contaminated sitesare researchers and public health officers, risk managers and policy makers, populationresiding in the contaminated areas, environmental associations, patient’s organizations.The different components of a dissemination strategy addressed to different stakeholdersare analyzed with the objective to create awareness and preparedness to facilitate managementin contaminated sites, foster scientific knowledge and informed decisions to consolidaterisk perception through science-driven information.
关键词:information;dissemination; interdisciplinary;communication; health literacy; contaminated sites; public health