摘要:Introduction. The aims of this study were to assess the levels of knowledge, attitudesand behaviors of pediatricians about melanoma and to estimate any variables associatedwith this outcome of interest.Materials and methods. A cross-sectional survey was conducted on a sample of pediatriciansusing a questionnaire sent by postal mail.Results. 40.8% and 41.6% of pediatricians respectively stated that they “often” and“always” carried out a full skin examination during routine checkups of children. Only14.1% and 21.1% “always” informed parents about risk factors for melanoma and aboutpreventive interventions respectively. The results of the multivariate logistic regressionanalysis have revealed that older pediatricians, those who believed the role of pediatriciansin the prevention of melanoma is very important, those who considered a skin examinationduring routine visits to be very important and those who acquired informationabout melanoma were more likely to “always” perform a full skin examination of childrenand inform parents about preventive interventions for melanoma.Conclusions. The findings indicate that pediatricians need to be more careful regardingmalignant melanoma prevention in order to play a crucial role in the educational instructionof parents and the dissemination of the most effective intervention screenings.