期刊名称:Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Jassy, Constructions, Architechture Section
出版社:Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Jassy
摘要:Estimates serve a number of different functions in the constructionindustry. The reason for estimating is to provide the most realistic prediction possible oftime and cost at any given stage in a project. Over the life of a project the estimatorshould be able to produce a series of estimates, from an early estimate at beginning, to thefinal account, in which the increasing accuracy of the estimate is reflected in thedecreasing extent of risk and uncertainty. All estimates take the form of base estimates,plus allowances for uncertainties and specific contingencies as required. The role of theestimator or practitioner in cost engineering is vital to the success of a constructionproject. The estimators are responsible for predicting the most economic costs forconstruction in a way that is both clear and consistent. Although an estimator will have afeel for the prices in the marketplace, it is the responsibility of management to add anamount for general overheads, assess the risks and turn the estimate into tender.
关键词:cost estimate; estimator; cost engineering; cost construction life cycle;cost management.