摘要:Sometimes sport event can be coloured with several dimensions except the main – competition. It can be anopportunity for fans and other people that live with football club to express their political goals because ofthe large number of participants in those events, but also because of the presence of the sporting public andthe media, and there they also have the chance to receive high pays and possibly abuse their position bymeans of membership in managing boards. The aim of this article was to investigate if leaders of fan groupsare linked with the centres of political power that instruct their actions so that fans participate in political andthe so-called patriotic public gatherings or promote ideological-political and homophobic messages atsporting events, whereby in both cases there would be certain amount of violence. The survey wasconducted by means of the polling technique. A questionnaire containing 33 questions was used as a tool, ona sample of 268 fans, from three soccer fan groups supporting Belgrade-based clubs Red Star, Partizan andRad. Conclusions generated from processing were that there is a considerable media attention dedicated tofan violence and it is given too much publicity which can encourages extremism.