摘要:Dance activities are recreational activities which contribute to the vitality of a person who is thus capable ofhandling his/her emotions and develop social relationships. The experience acquired by a young person whoparticipates in recreational activities contributes to his/her personal and social evolution. Teaching socialskills through recreational activities improves the social behavior of children and adolescents in the bestpossible way. Cooperating skills and empathy are factors of positive social behavior, while quicktemperedness and disruptiveness are negative factors (Junttila, Voeten, Kaukiainen & Vauras, 2006). Theaim of the study was to investigate whether participating in dance activities and group physical activitiescontributes to the differentiation of the social skills of adolescents and whether this differentiation isinfluenced by the gender. The data collection was conducted with the School Social Behavior Scale (SSBS,Merrell, 1993). The sample of the research consisted of 180 adolescent, junior high school students aged 13who were separated into three groups: a) dancers b) athletes c) non athletes. The results showed thatadolescent dancers had better means in cooperating skills and were less disruptive in the group than nonathletes. Concerning quick temperedness and empathy, there were no statistically significant differencesamong the groups. In addition, there were no statistically significant differences, concerning gender.
关键词:Physical activities; dance activities; social behavior; social skills