期刊名称:International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks
出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:In the past few years there is a remarkable change in the field of wireless sensor networks. Congestionoccurs when there is a heavy traffic in the network. The heavy traffic in the network leads to wastage ofenergy and packet loss. Traffic Aware Dynamic Routing algorithm mitigates congestion by using one hopneighbor routing, hence throughput of the network is low. This paper proposed a Multi hop based DataForwarding Technique to mitigate congestion. Queue length field and depth potential field play a majorrole to divert the traffic in the network to the alternate paths. The high traffic load leads to data queueoverflow in the sensor nodes, these results in loss of important information about important events. Multihop Traffic-Aware Dynamic Routing algorithm addresses congestion using depth potential field and queuelength potential field. The algorithm forwards data packets around the congestion areas and scatters theexcessive along multiple paths. The nodes with less load are efficiently utilized in response to congestion.The main aspect of the algorithm is to construct two independent potential fields using depth and queuelength. Queue length field solves the traffic-aware problem. Depth field creates a backbone to forwardpackets to the sink. Both fields are combined to yield a hybrid potential field to make dynamic decision fordata forwarding. Simulations are conducted to evaluate the performance of our proposed algorithm andour proposed scheme performs better compared to previous work