摘要:The present article suggests that the brief history of Western television news dramaturgycan be expounded as three major waves: from the early days of the talking heads in thestudio, over the narrativization of the field report to a (re-)current studio- and field-basedtalking heads format. In order to analyze the latest development entering the third wave, wepropose a theoretically based dramaturgical model for the television news item. The analysisconcludes that, with the current ‘return’ of the talking heads format, the pre-produced andpre-packaged bulletin program about past events is dissolving and transforming into anevaluative present- and future-oriented update format that resembles the 24-hour newsonlychannels. Production time merges with broadcast time so that the uncertainty of livespreads to the dramaturgy
关键词:dramaturgy; live interview; narrative; television journalism; television news;item; television news report