摘要:The present article brings critical media research and science and technology studies (STS)into dialogue with approaches to digital literacy and digital competencies in educationalcontexts. In particular, it focuses on material aspects of new information and communicationtechnologies (ICTs) such as technical infrastructure, economic conditions, ecologicalconsequences, and code-based as well as embodied forms of impact, and argues that digitalapplications and devices have ambiguous and often contradictory affordances and effectsthat need to be addressed in academic literature and pedagogical practice. The main objectiveis to inform on-going debates on the nature and content of digital literacy and digitalcompetence from a critical materialist vantage point, and to facilitate learning and teachingabout, rather than with, digital technologies by highlighting salient issue areas in need ofcontinued critical attention
关键词:digital media; digital competencies; media literacy; ICTs; education; materialism;STS