摘要:Navigational systems guide users providing visual and acoustic indications, burdening user’sattention. On the one hand, following visual guidance is challenging because of the constantneed to switch the gaze between the display and the surroundings. On the other hand,auditory indications can be obtrusive and inefficient. Tactile displays, i.e., systems that sendstimuli via the tactile channel, can overcome such limitations. They are useful when thevisual and auditory attention is limited and they can deliver precise spatial information in anunobtrusive manner all around the user. Navigational systems deploying tactile guidancehave been experimented with different devices (e.g., hand-held devices, belts, armband andwristband). Here we compared a tactile vest and a tactile glove in guiding users through anitinerary in an urban setting. Twenty-four people (9 males) participated in the study (meanage 24.37, SD= 2.24). Our findings show that the both devices are efficient as navigationtool. Despite both devices were well-received by users, their appearance was relevant. Thevest was in fact praised for the clearness of the indications, while the glove was preferred forbeing unbulky and light-weighted.