期刊名称:European Journal of Business and Social Sciences
出版社:European Society of Business and Social Sciences
摘要:Highly turbulent business environment and fierce competition alongwith globalization have increased the competitiveness of theorganizational world. Innovation originates with change andcontributes towards the competitive edge. Every new idea originatesin the minds of individuals which ultimately contribute to overallorganizational innovation. The leader serves as a catalyst in bringingand nurturing innovation at individual, team and overallorganization level. This study aimed to enrich and bridge theinconsistencies in the extant literature for transactional leadershipand innovative work behavior first directly and then throughmediating role of intrinsic motivation. Random sampling employedto collect data from 260 middle managers from the Power Sector ofPakistan. Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLSSEM)is employed to analyze the relations among constructs by usingSmart-PLS 3. Findings of the study reveal that TransactionalLeadership (TSL) has a direct positive relationship with InnovativeWork Behavior (IWB). In addition, Intrinsic Motivation partiallymediates the positive relationship of TSL with IWB. Acomprehensive discussion on the results, practical implications,research limitations and directions for the future research arepresented.
关键词:Transactional Leadership (TSL); Innovative Work;Behavior (IWB); Intrinsic Motivation (IM); Power Sector of Pakistan