期刊名称:European Journal of Business and Social Sciences
出版社:European Society of Business and Social Sciences
摘要:Nowadays, the increase of competition among universities on a local andglobal basis reveals for the individuals and institutions the need of rankinguniversities, considering many different comparable criteria with regard touniversities. There are many different world universities rankings,prepared by different institutions for this purpose, and results of which areshared with public every year. In this study, firstly the history of universityrankings in the world has been discussed and the rankings of the worlduniversities according to the world university ranking criteria have beendescribed. In the second part of the study, TOPSIS and VIKOR methods, themulticriteria decision making methods used in practice, have theoreticallybeen explained. In the next section, the universities have been re-rankedaccording to the TOPSIS and VIKOR methods, using the same worlduniversity ranking criteria. At the consequence part of the study, the worlduniversity ranking has been evaluated comparing the world universitiesrankings each other, obtained according to TOPSIS and VIKOR methods.The purpose of this study is the application of the TOPSIS and VIKORmethods to reveal the university rankings, any relevant example of whichhaven’t been available in the literature, and to compare the findings of theserankings with those of the rankings obtained by THEWUR. Another aim ofthe study is to reveal whether ranking numbers vary in those performed bydifferent methods. Based on the fact that university rankings do not differaccording to methods using the same criteria and weights, Spearman's rankcorrelation coefficient was calculated and the results were evaluated
关键词:THE World University Ranking • TOPSIS • VIKOR •;Ranking • World Universities