期刊名称:European Journal of Business and Social Sciences
出版社:European Society of Business and Social Sciences
摘要:Douglas McGregor (1906-1964) introduced us to Theory X andTheory Y in his 1960 book, The Human Side of Enterprise anddeveloped a philosophical view of humankind about humannature and human behavior with his Theories. He considered that anegative person comes under the Theory X in which employees dislikework, will avoid responsibilities generally are irresponsible, andrequire close supervision to do their jobs and must be punished,Positive persons comes under Theory Y in which employees enjoy, liketo work, committed towards their work, creative, able to fulfillresponsibilities, exercise self-control and self-direction in the search oforganizational objectives, have a will to achieve targets without thethreat of punishment. He grouped the hierarchy in to lower-orderneeds (Theory X) and higher-order needs (Theory Y); Abraham Maslowin 1943 had proposed that man’s needs are set in levels, with physicaland safety needs at the bottom of the needs hierarchy and social, egoand self-actualization needs at upper levels of the hierarchy. Studyonly focus on People management at workplace in application ofTheory X and Theory Y in public and private organizations Hyderabad,Sindh, Pakistan. The findings also suggest the structural models fittedin this study only show the positive relationship among the variablesnot reality. Data was collected through close ended questionnaireswith the use of the 7 point Likert Scales. Convenience sampling type ofnon-probability technique will be used for data collection. Total 250questionnaires were distributed in four public and privateorganizations in Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan out of which 198questionnaires were returned after that all questionnaires reviewed tomake sure filled properly and use for analyses. Data was analysisthrough SPSS 22 and smart PLS software which also helps to developmodel and test the developed hypotheses of this study.
关键词:Theory X; Theory Y; People Management; Public and;Private Organization.