期刊名称:European Journal of Business and Social Sciences
出版社:European Society of Business and Social Sciences
摘要:his paper puts into context the demographic, social, economic,and cultural changes and transformations of rural Mexicansociety in the period 1990-2016. To start, we discuss some trendsthat have reshaped rural and urban society of the 20th century. We alsodescribe the stereotypes and prejudices that the media have developed onthe Mexican countryside and farmers. We mention the principles ofcorporate globalization, and their social and environmental costs indeveloping countries such as Mexico, which has been characterized byapplying dogmatically neoliberal policies to the rural sector in recentdecades. Moreover, we explain the role played by the environmentalmovement and environmental politics to challenge the exploitativedevelopment model of capitalist modernity in rural and urban contexts.Finally, the arrival of the tycoon Donald Trump to the White House inthe United States represents a serious threat to the economic, political,and social stability of Mexico, whose background could deepen the crisisof rural society, if the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)is repealed by America and the border wall is built. It notes that thiswork was developed based on a literature review specializing on thesubject in question