期刊名称:European Journal of Business and Social Sciences
出版社:European Society of Business and Social Sciences
摘要:The purpose of this study was to determine the effect ofmicrofinance services on the social economic development ofwomen. The specific objective of the study was; to determinethe influence of microfinance credit on social economic development ofwomen in Rwanda, to determine the influence of microfinance savingson social economic development of women in Rwanda and to establishthe influence of microfinance training on the empowerment of thewomen in Rwanda. The study used descriptive survey research design.The target population for the study was 140 women using Tumbamicrofinance in Huye district. The sample size for this study was 104women determined using Slovin’s formula for sample sizedetermination. Simple random sampling technique was used inselecting samples. This study used questionnaires as the instrument forprimary data collection. Data collected was analyzed using statisticalpackage for social science (SPSS). The study findings indicated thatmicrofinance credit, training and savings are significantly collated towomen social economic development. The study recommended thattrainings should be based on the need of the women i.e. basing on theirengagement. Also loan borrowers should be allowed adequate time forpaying their loan.
关键词:Credit facilities; Micro finance Institutions; Micro;finance Services; Socio-economic development