摘要:A Health at Every Size (HAES) approach has been proposed to address weight bias and stigma in individuals living with obesity, and more recently articulated as a promising public health approach beyond the prevailing focus on weight status as a health outcome. The purpose of this article is to examine our understanding of HAES within the context of public health approaches to obesity, and to present strengths and limitations of the available evidence. Advancing our understanding of HAES from a public health perspective requires us to move beyond an ideological debate and give greater attention to the need for empirical studies across a range of populations. Only then can the value of HAES, as a weight-neutral, public health approach for the prevention of obesity and other chronic diseases, be fully understood. A recent Framing Health Matters article in the American Journal of Public Health highlighted the potential for Health at Every Size (HAES) to be framed as a public health approach to obesity, 1 and included a focus on the need for a weight-neutral approach to address the unique social challenges of weight stigma and bias. 2 This is an important and admirable goal, but one that may benefit from some additional clarifications and considerations. In a response to this earlier article, we seek to (1) describe the context in which the HAES paradigm has emerged, (2) further examine the current evidence for the effect of HAES principles on a range of health-related outcomes, and (3) reflect on the adequacy of this evidence within the context of public health approaches to obesity.