摘要:We identified the research areas related to HIV and alcohol consumption that were of highest priority to city, state, and federal policymakers. From June to July 2014, we conducted a 3-round Delphi study to elicit from experts a list of alcohol- and HIV-related clinical trial research questions that were important to fund and rank order the list to identify questions of highest priority. Translating evidence into practice must be improved because some questions that have been extensively studied with results published in peer-reviewed journals were identified by the panel as areas needing additional research. Although a substantial body of literature suggests the harmful effects of alcohol consumption on HIV transmission, progression, and survival, 1–11 alcohol consumption has not been adequately addressed in HIV clinical practice, prevention strategies, or public health policy. 12 This inadequacy may be partly because of a perception that alcohol is less harmful than other high-risk behaviors 13 or because interventions to reduce alcohol consumption in HIV-infected populations have shown mixed effects. 14,15 The noticeable gaps from research to practice suggest deficiencies in ensuring that evidence-based knowledge informs decisions on public health policies and programs related to alcohol and HIV surveillance, access to services, program and policy evaluation, and advocacy. The disconnect also indicates weaknesses in ensuring that appropriate interventions are not only developed but also implemented to reach the patients and populations for whom they are intended. 12,16,17 Many approaches are available to improve the use of scientific evidence to inform policy decisions, but a common emphasis is strengthening exchanges between researchers, policymakers, and funders in setting research priorities and identifying study designs. 18–20 In our experience, understanding the needs of policymakers and establishing stakeholder buy-in increase the potential use of evidence into action. We identified the research areas related to HIV and alcohol consumption that were of highest priority to city, state, and federal policymakers and applied that understanding to inform current research.