摘要:We systematically evaluated smoking-related costs in multiunit housing. From 2008 to 2009, we surveyed California multiunit housing owners or managers on their past-year smoking-related costs and smoke-free policies. A total of 27.1% of respondents had incurred smoking-related costs (mean $4935), and 33.5% reported complete smoke-free policies, which lowered the likelihood of incurring smoking-related costs. Implementing statewide complete smoke-free policies may save multiunit housing property owners $18 094 254 annually. Approximately 10.6 million Californians live in multiunit housing (MUH), 1 where units with smoke-free policies can be affected by environmental tobacco smoke morbidity and mortality effects through shared air spaces and ventilation or drifting from outside. 2,3 Lack of information on MUH smoking-related costs (e.g., cleaning, replacement) may contribute to MUH owners’ and managers’ reluctance to implement smoke-free policies. 4,5 We surveyed California MUH owners and managers to determine (1) the smoking-related costs borne by MUH owners, (2) the smoking-related costs prevented in MUH as the result of smoke-free policies, and (3) the economic benefits of all MUH implementing complete smoke-free policies.