摘要:We estimate the prevalence of and risk factors for the problem use of prescription drugs, overall and by therapeutic class. Applying logistic regression analysis to data from the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, 1 we found that nearly 1.3 million Americans aged 12 years and older experience problem use of prescription drugs signifying physiological dependence or heavy daily use. Those at greatest risk include older adults, females, those in poor/fair health, and daily alcohol drinkers. Recent data document that 10 million individuals, or 7% of the US population, reported nonmedical use of prescription drugs in 1999. 1 Nonmedical prescription drug use, which encompasses drug taking behaviors ranging from noncompliance to recreational use to abuse, does not adequately measure problem use of prescription drugs requiring treatment intervention. 2, 3 Using data from the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (NHSDA), 1 we estimate the prevalence of problem use of prescription drugs and elicit risk factors for such use.