摘要:This report presents data on computer access, Internet use, and factors associated with health information seeking on the Internet among a sample of youths aged 15 to 30 years in New York City. Findings from street intercept surveys indicate substantial computer access at home (62%) and frequent (everyday or a few times a week) Internet use (66%). Fifty-five percent of the sample reported seeking health information on the Internet, which was associated with positive beliefs about getting a health checkup and frequent Internet use. An estimated 54% of urban households use the Internet, with use highest among youths aged 9 to 17 (69%) and 18 to 24 years (65%). 1 Accordingly, there is enormous potential for the Internet as a source of health information and as a component of health promotion programs. Studies show that up to 60% of adults with Internet access have searched for health or medical information. 2, 3 Children and adolescents also report using the Internet as a resource for health information, although not as extensively as adults. 4– 6 This report presents data on Internet access and use among a sample of youths in New York City and describes the extent to which they use the Internet for seeking health information.