摘要:Objectives . This study examined the knowledge of and application for health-related welfare program provisions among beneficiaries with children who have chronic conditions. Methods . We administered a survey to 143 parents of children aged 3 to 16 years with asthma or sickle cell anemia in 2 clinical settings. Results . Respondents indicated incomplete knowledge of work requirements (69.9%) and work exemptions (50.3%). Applications for work exemptions were rare, even among Supplemental Security Income recipients (30%). Conclusions . Welfare beneficiaries with children who have chronic conditions show limited knowledge and use of program provisions, placing them at risk for penalties or benefit termination. The 1996 welfare reform legislation significantly changed welfare policy in the United States by eliminating entitlements to cash benefits and instituting work requirements, a 5-year lifetime limit for benefits, and benefit reductions or terminations for noncompliance with program rules. 1 Parents of children with chronic conditions could be expected to experience difficulties complying with the new requirements because their children's health needs may affect employment. Working parents receiving welfare are more likely than other poor parents to lack sick or vacation leave to care for a sick child. 2, 3 However, work exemptions and time limit extensions are available based on several criteria, including child illness or disability. We examined knowledge of and application for these welfare program provisions among parents of children with chronic conditions.