摘要:Objectives. This study examined voluntary HIV testing rates in sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinics. Methods. Anonymous, unlinked surveys of HIV seroprevalence and medical chart abstractions were conducted in 28 STD clinics in 14 US cities in 1997. Results. Among the 52 260 patients included in the anonymous HIV serosurveys, voluntary HIV testing rates by clinic ranged from 30% to 99% (median = 58%). Patients not tested were more likely to be HIV infected than were patients who were tested, even after those with documented HIV infection were excluded, regardless of demographic characteristics, risk group, or STD diagnosis. Conclusions. HIV infection is unrecognized in substantial numbers of patients with HIV infection visiting STD clinics. Efforts are needed to increase HIV testing and counseling of all patients visiting these clinics. Patients attending sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinics are at increased risk for infection with HIV. 1, 2 For this reason, the US Public Health Service has recommended that counseling and HIV antibody testing services be available at all public STD clinics and that all patients attending these clinics be offered these services. 3 Anonymous HIV serosurveys, conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in collaboration with state and local health departments, 4– 6 provide an opportunity to evaluate the extent to which counseling and testing services are reaching these at-risk populations. With the availability of effective antiretroviral drug therapies, persons who are HIV infected can clearly benefit from knowledge of their serostatus and referral into care. 7 Patients with HIV infection who acquire other STDs are at risk for transmitting HIV to their sexual partners; thus, providing them with counseling services 8, 9 also may have important public health benefits.