摘要:Background: Overweight and obesity is public health issue which is growing among young generation worldwide. 15-50% of the people living in urban areas in Africa have obesity or overweight, and it is projected that by year 2012, about 75% of people will be in developing countries. Objective: To determine the prevalence and related factors of overweight and obesity among high level secondary school adolescent in Mwanza Tanzania. Methodology: A cross-sectional study conducted among 381 high school adolescents in Nyamagana, Mwanza in October 2014. Obesity and overweight were measured using height and weight of each student. The demographic, social and nutritional history; life style information and pattern of dietary intake were interviewed verbally. Result: The overall prevalence of obesity and overweight were 2.6% and 14.2% respectively. The prevalence of (0.8% overweight, 0% obese) in adolescents those residing out of school campus was lower than overweight (13.4%) and obesity (2.6%) residing in boarding school. The meal frequency, fruits, meat, and vegetables consumption were statistically significant with the p value of P<0.05. Conclusion: adolescent’s obesity and overweight are emerging health problem we need to plan and implement effective preventive strategies to stop this epidemic.