摘要:Purpose: Recent literature data indicate a key roleof apoptosis in the pathogenesis of inflammatorybowel disease. The aim of the study was to evaluatethe expression of Bax, Bid, Bcl-2 and Bcl-xl innon-dysplastic and dysplastic epithelium ininflamated mucosa of patients with ulcerativecolitis.Methods: The study consists of 18 patients withdiagnosed ulcerative colitis. The expression ofproteins was determined immunohistochemically.Results: Lack of Bax expression in normalepithelium of the inflamed intestinal mucosa(94.4%) and a weak expression of this protein werefound in dysplastic glandular cells (67%). The Baxexpression of dysplastic epithelium correlates withreduced severity of chronic inflammation(p<0.005). Bid expression in non-dysplastic glandswas found in 67% of cases vs. 16% in dysplasticepithelium that was associated with the occurrenceof epithelial erosions or ulcers (p<0.05). Moderatecytoplasmic expression of Bcl-xl was noted in27.7% of patients in normal epithelium and in66.1% within dysplastic lesions. Bcl-xl expressionin dysplastic glandular cells correlated with thepresence of neutrophils in the lamina propria (p<0.05). Conclusions: The immunohistochemicalexpressions of Bax, Bcl-2 and Bcl-xl increase andBid protein expression decreases in dysplasticglandular tubes as compared to non-dysplasticintestinal epithelium in inflamed mucosa, whichmay suggest an imbalance of controlled cell deathin ulcerative colitis.