摘要:Introduction: Quality of life can be determined bya number of factors, including subjective perceptionof various spheres of health and health-unrelatedfactors.Purpose: To compare the quality of life of womenwho had breast cancer one month and one year aftermastectomy, and to verify the usefulness of healthrelatedquality of life (HRQoL) scales in earlyidentification of patients having problems invarious functional spheres.Materials and methods: The study included thegroup of 110 mastectomized women. Quality of lifeof the participants was estimated with EORTCQLQ-C30 and EORTC QLQ-BR23 questionnaires.Results: Global health status (QoL) determinedwith the aid of the EORTC QLQ-C30 questionnaireturned out to be significantly higher in womensurveyed one year after mastectomy than in thoseexamined one month after the surgery (74.23 vs.58.33, p<0.001).Moreover, the two groups of patients differedsignificantly in terms of physical, cognitive, socialand role functioning scores. Most of the symptomsassessed were resolved within a year after the breastcancer surgery. No significant intergroupdifferences were revealed with regard to emotionaland socioeconomic functioning or futureperspective scores.Conclusions: Quality of life of most mastectomizedwomen improves considerably within one year afterthe surgery. The use of quality of life instrumentscan be useful in early postoperative identification ofpatients who score low on functional and symptomscales. Such patients require support and/or psychooncologicaltreatment during the early postoperativeperiod. Quality of life of breast cancer patientsduring the early postoperative period can bea predictor of this parameter in a longer-termperspective.
关键词:Breast cancer; quality of life;questionnaires.