摘要:Introduction: Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is atroublesome and embarrassing problem for manypeople. It is five times more common in women thanin men. Although the ailment can be treated,prevention is of the highest importance.Dissemination of the knowledge of prevention andrehabilitation would contribute to the improvement oflife quality among women at risk of SUI.Purpose: Assessment of women’s attitude towardsprevention and rehabilitation of SUI.Materials and methods: The study was performed ina group of 280 women treated in the Department ofGynecology and Oncological Gynecology, UniversityHospital in Bialystok. A proprietary questionnairewas used for data collection.Conclusions: Women with SUI have poor knowledgeof its preventive measures. Health-promoting actionsin the field of prevention and rehabilitation of SUIshould become intensified, which requires moresubstantial involvement of nursing staff.