摘要:Introduction: Thanks to preventive medicine andshaping health behaviors such as habits, customsand attitudes towards health, it is possible to controleveryday life civilization threats and new outbreaksof diseases.Purpose: To assess health behaviors and level ofknowledge of birth control methods amonguniversity students in Bialystok.Materials and methods: A total of 222 students ofthe Bialystok Polytechnic University and MedicalUniversity of Bialystok were recruited. The studyused a health behavior catalogue by Juczynski andour own questionnaire.Results: The study showed a high percentage ofstudents with poor knowledge of health behaviors.Students of both universities positively assessedtheir eating habits, mental attitudes, and preventivebehaviors. Students of the Bialystok PolytechnicUniversity showed significantly higher scoresconcerning proper health behaviors. The mostcommon method of contraception were: condomsand contraceptive pills. Students of MedicalUniversity were characterized by significantlyhigher level of knowledge of birth control methods.The vast majority of respondents derived theirknowledge of birth control methods from theinternet.Conclusions: The results indicate that it isadvisable to introduce preventive actions to thestudy curriculum in order to facilitate formation ofproper habits and health behaviors. The level ofknowledge among students of the methods ofnatural birth control is insufficient. It is importantto search for various forms and methods to provideyoung people with objective information accordingto the latest research.
关键词:Health behavior; birth control;methods; knowledge among students