摘要:Introduction: Despite the progress in gainingknowledge about carcinogenesis, it is still unclearwhat processes are directly responsible for thedifferentiation of gastric cancer into its intestinal ordiffuse form. Dividing of these two forms is basedon one of the oldest, yet still commonly usedclassifications – the classification of Lauren. Thereare many factors that may influence the formationof gastric tumors of various aggressiveness.Purpose: To evaluate the expression of proteins:fragile histidine triad (FHIT), E-cadherin, α-catenin,γ-catenin, cathepsin B, epidermal growth factor(EGF), HER-2, MMP-9, MCM-2, Bak, Bax, BID,Bcl-XL, p53, FasL, Bcl-2, caspase-8, procaspase-3in gastric cancer cells, depending on the type oftumor by Lauren classification.Materials and methods: Study group consisted of91 patients treated surgically for gastric cancer inthe Second Department of General andGastroenterological Surgery, Medical University ofBialystok in years between 2000 and 2006.Results: It is shown, that the expression of Ecadherinwas significantly higher in the Lauren Igastric cancer cells than in Lauren II. In case ofcaspase-8 there has been significantly less frequentexpression of this protein in Lauren I gastric cancercells compared to Lauren II. The authors describeno statistically significant differences in theexpression of other proteins taken intoconsideration.Conclusions: These results suggest the role ofadhesion and apoptosis-related proteins in thedevelopment of two different types of gastric canceraccording to Lauren’s classification.