摘要:Introduction: Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome(MRS) is a rare neurologic disease of unknownetiology. It is characterized by a triad of symptoms:relapsing peripheral facial paralysis; orofacialedema and fissured tongue. The pathologicalfindings are varied but often characterized by thepresence of noncaseating granuloma. There are fewcases of MRS coexistent with Hashimoto disease inthe literature.Purpose: To present a case of MRS coexistent withHashimoto disease.Case presentation: We report a case of a 32-yearoldwoman with coexisting MRS and autoimmunethyroiditis, Hashimoto disease. Fissured tongueand recurrent cheilitis of the upper lip wereobserved. In her medical history, she had facialnerve palsy. Histopathological examination of theupper lips mucose membrane revealed the presenceof granulomas confirming the diagnosis.Conclusions: Cooperation between clinicians andhistopathologists is vital in diagnosing MRS. Thepresence of the anti-TPO antibodies in the casereported here could suggest a correlation betweenimmunological alteration characteristics ofautoimmune thyroiditis and MRS.