摘要:The emergence of resistance to first-line drugs usedto treat tuberculosis (TB) has become a significantpublic health concern and an obstacle inimplementation of effective TB control activitiesglobally. In India, Revised National TB ControlProgram (RNTCP) introduced the programmaticmanagement of drug-resistant TB (PMDT) servicesto address the needs of MDR-TB patients. To executethe plan with perfection, RNTCP has devised MDRsuspect criteria – A, B, and C so that graduallyPMDT services can be extended to the wholecountry. These criteria were framed to run in tandemwith the strengthening of the laboratory services sothat the existing certified laboratories can carry outthe culture and DST services without beingoverburdened. Altogether, RNTCP is committed forthe strengthening and capacity building of itsresources to offer culture and DST services right atthe time of diagnosis.
关键词:Tuberculosis; Revised National;Tuberculosis Control Program; multi-drug resistant;India