标题:Knowledge of risk factors of myocardial infarction in patients treated in the Interventional Cardiology Unit of the Regional Specialist Hospital in Biała Podlaska
摘要:Purpose: To analyse knowledge of patients in theInterventional Cardiology Department in the fieldof theory of the disease entity, i.e. myocardialinfarction and factors predisposing to itsoccurrence.Materials and methods: The study was carried outat the Interventional Cardiology Department of theRegional Specialist Hospital in BiałaPodlaskabetween 3.11.2017 and 20.12.2017. Sixtyrespondents were included, 62% women and 38%men. The largest group were patients between 46and 60 years of age. The work involved ananonymous questionnaire, which contained 28questions, including two open ones. Patientsparticipated in the study were informed that thestudy was voluntary and the questionnaire wasanonymous.Results: According to the respondents, the maincause of myocardial infarction is atherosclerosis(43.4%). The respondents indicate thatcardiovascular diseases (including myocardialinfarction) which are on the third place in Poland,right after cancer and injuries, cause death(63.3%). As the main factor that influences theoccurrence of myocardial infarction is overweightand obesity (79.8%). More than half of therespondents assess their knowledge of myocardialinfarction on average, while 18.3 % said that theyhave very good knowledge.Conclusions: Patients with myocardial infarctionhave quite a good knowledge about the risk factorsfor this disease. A large group of respondents triesto counteract the risk factors for myocardialinfarction. A small part of the respondentsundergoes regular blood tests (blood glucose level,total cholesterol and its fractions, measurement ofblood pressure).
关键词:Myocardial infarction; risk factors;level of knowledge.