摘要:In the real world, the vehicle routing problem (VRP) is dynamic and variable, so dynamic vehicle routing problem (DVRP) has obtained more and more attentions among researchers. Meanwhile, due to actual constraints of service hours and service distances, logistics companies usually build multiple depots to serve a great number of dispersed customers. Thus, the research of dynamic multidepot vehicle routing problem (DMDVRP) is significant and essential. However, it has not attracted much attention. In this paper, firstly, a clustering approach based on the nearest distance is proposed to allocate all customers to the depots. Then a hybrid ant colony optimization (HACO) with mutation operation and local interchange is introduced to optimize vehicle routes. In addition, in order to deal with dynamic problem of DMDVRP quickly, a real-time addition and optimization approach is designed to handle the new customer requests. Finally, the t-test is applied to evaluate the proposed algorithm; meanwhile the relations between degrees of dynamism () and HACO are discussed minutely. Experimental results show that the HACO algorithm is feasible and efficient to solve DMDVRP.