标题:Management of necrotizing and non-necrotic bacterial erysipelas of the face in tropical areas: a series of four cases and a review of the literature
摘要:The necrotizing and not necrotizing acute bacterial dermohypodermitis (DHD) are acute bacterial infections of tissues situated between the skin and the muscles. The localizations of the face are infrequent, and sometimes put diagnostic difficulties with other current facial dermatosis. We report in this article 4 cases of DHD of the face with skin source, hospitalized in the service of the Infectious and Tropical Diseases of the Teaching Hospital Yalgado Ouédraogo of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). The objective is to make a current situation of their etiologies and complications, and to look for the difficulties to take care of them in a country with limited resources. The patient's care journey for this disease is long while it constitutes a medical or medical-surgical emergency. Imaging, which is essential for the diagnosis of heart valve disease and the daunting complications of necrotizing fasciitis and mediastinitis, is generally available only in tertiary hospitals. Antibiotic therapy is most often inadequate or insufficient. Anti-inflammatories, widely used, according to several authors contribute to serious forms and excess mortality. Health workers in resource-limited settings need to be better educated and guidelines issued to recognize the signs of this condition in order to enable early referral of patients in specialized settings. In addition, education of the population and hygiene awareness of skin lesions should be a priority to reduce complications.
关键词:antibiotic therapy; Burkina Faso; bullous erysipelas; face