摘要:This article aims to study the mechanical behavior of a deep excavation occurring in sandy soils retained by anchored pile walls under anchorage failure conditions. The primary causes and types of anchorage failures are summarized. Based on an excavation case history, a numerical investigation is conducted using a PLAXIS-based finite element method to reveal the crucial mechanical behaviors of the retaining structure and soil layers as a result of different types of anchorage failures. According to the simulation results, the responses to anchorage failures are analyzed, and the safety coefficient for the retaining structure is presented. The analysis for this numerical work indicates that dangerous failure positions appear at the top of the pile wall or in the region near the excavation bottom. Then, a three-dimensional numerical model is established to analyze the mechanical behaviors and the influence scopes of the retaining structure caused by individual anchor failures. Special emphasis is placed on the analysis of the bending moments and horizontal displacements in the wall, as well as on the prestress and internal forces in each of the row anchors, displacements, and plastic strains in the ground and stabilities of the deep excavation. Conclusions obtained from the numerical study can provide guidelines for good practices in the construction of anchored pile wall-retained excavations in sandy soil.