摘要:This paper aims to analyse stress patterns in loan words spoken by natives of Bedouin Jordanian Arabic in the north of Jordan (henceforth BJAN) within the metrical model proposed by Hayes (1995). The study considers a sample of 120 words spoken by 32 native speakers of Bedouins of the north of Jordanian , 16 males and 16 females, belonging to four Bedouin dialects: Bani Hassan Arabic, Sar . an Arabic, Bani Xalid Arabic, and . ahl il - Jabal Arabic, all of them spoken by Bedouins in the north of Jordan. Analyzing loan words spoken by natives of BJAN shows that they have a moraic trochaic foot where foot parsing goes from left to right, obey the End Rule Right Principle that assigns stress on the head of the rightmost foot, and absolutely ban degenerate feet. This contrasts with the Bedouin dialect of Wadi Ramm Arabic where loan words have an iambic stress patter n (μ'μ ) . Further, where the minimal words that receive stress are bimoraic, loan words conform to the bimoraicity condition through gemination or vowel lengthening.
关键词:stress; loan words; Bedouin Jordanian Arabic; metrical model