There is no single agreed definition of workaholism. Most interventions proposed for people suffering from workaholism target individuals. There is a paucity of descriptions of workplace risk factors. Our study examines case reports of patients suffering from workaholism with a focus on the role of the workplace. We describe case reports from patients of the Occupational Disease Centre in Brest, France between 2013 and 2016. Consultations were conducted within the framework of clinical occupational medicine with a focus on real work situations. Diagnoses of workaholism were made according to Goodman’s criteria. The situations of four patients are reported. Three of these suffered from workaholism: a 41 yr-old sales representative, a 51 yr-old nurse in progressive care and a 30 yr-old saleswoman. The last case report concerns the situation of a 41 yr-old team leader who was first suspected to have workaholism, but later diagnosed with a bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorders and other addictive behaviours should be assessed. An exclusive variable remuneration and work organization that could induce confusion between the working and personal environment both constitute risk factors. Some patients were ambivalent to their condition and willing to go on working despite ill-health issues. These elements could be integrated into further research on workaholism.