摘要:This paper discusses the findings of an explorative study among selected Malaysian dog owners who regard theirdogs as extended-self and their purchase behavior of dog related products and services. A qualitative researchwas conducted to gain some deeper insights on purchase behavior of dog related products and services, an underresearch area. The study aimed to determine whether these dog owners consider their dogs as an extension oftheir selves and describe their purchase behavior. In-depth interviews were conducted and four major themes onpurchase behavior of dog related products and services emerged, namely loving my pet dog means loving myself,sense of possession, attachment and sacrifice and my pet is like me. The findings show that generally these dogowners consider their dogs as an extension of themselves with some participants demonstrating a strongerself-extension on their pets. Dog owners who view their dogs as their extended self, made purchase decisions asthough they were purchasing and consuming these products and services for themselves. This understandingoffers practical insight to marketers when marketing dog related products and services.