English being a global language has become a vital element in all walks of life. The feelers of this language have left no sphere unmarked with its significance. Despite such a colossal tide for gaining command over the language it was found that the conventional pattern of teaching English language could not reap desired results. A comprehensive and analytical study of the aforesaid problem stirred researchers to work in this area. In order to enhance the communication skills of native speakers, practical implications were incorporated to theoretical principles of English Language teaching/learning. The present paper discusses the application and results of the experimental procedure of the effective techniques employed in English teaching/learning. The various techniques used in the modus operandi of enhancing the communication skills of the students were small talk conversations, SWOT analysis, phonetics, avoiding Indianism, vocabulary building through mnemonics and root words, describing and narrating visual stimulus, listening to important speeches followed by comprehension, sharing reviews after watching motivational videos/movies, peer learning and delivering effective presentations. The learning outcomes of the aforesaid activities included better reasoning, enhanced thought process, ability to concoct innovative ideas, command over language, improved communication skills, fluency etc.