The purpose of this study is to analyze Turkish teacher candidates’ electronic writing experiences at environment. The study group of this research consisted of 53 Turkish teacher candidates who were studying at a state university in Istanbul. Teacher candidates in the study group joined and wrote at least one narrative text and informative text within a month. A structured interview form was used to receive the opinions of 15 teacher candidates who experienced writing in electronic environment. The data obtained using the interview form were subjected to content analysis. The electronic writing experiences of Turkish teacher candidates were interpreted in the framework of the themes which were formed on the basis of advantages and disadvantages. Prospective Turkish teachers evaluated the writing in electronic environment as advantageous in terms of legibility and spelling check, reader and writer interaction and visual appeal, time saving and convenience, affordability, quick feedback and constructive criticism, encouragement, archiving possibilities and socialization. On the other hand, they considered the writing in electronic environment as disadvantegous in terms of unreliability of virtual world, distractibility, severe criticisms, not comparable to handwriting, character limitation, health concerns, wording concerns, asociality, copyright and plagiarism concerns, using profanity.