The present study aims at presenting a comparative study of Urdu and English in terms of Wh-movement in the light of the minimalist program (MP) as the theoretical framework of the study. For this purpose, Urdu and English data related to Wh-expressions is used. The empirical evaluation of data reveals that Wh-movement is mandatory in English while, non-mandatory in Urdu. Furthermore, it shows that the movement of tense markers in English is obligatory along with the movement of Wh-phrase as compared to Urdu in which it is optional. The movement of tense markers is covert in Urdu as compared to its overt movement in English. The findings of the study show that the feature of [+WH, EPP] stimulates the movement of Wh-expression in order to check these features. The findings of the study are expected to prove helpful for students and researchers in understanding the nature of syntax in general and Wh-movement particularly.