摘要:Purpose: The present study aimed to adapt and determine the psychometric properties of the Indonesian version of the Champion’s Health Belief Model Scale (I-CHBMS) of breast self-examination in the measurement of belief toward breast cancer screening. Subjects and methods: A convenience sample of 406 Indonesian women aged 19–60 years was recruited. This study was conducted in Surabaya from December 2016 to January 2017. The I-CHBMS applied a “forward–backward” translation procedure to translate from the English version into Indonesian. Validity of the I-CHBMS was assessed using content, face, and construct validity. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to assess the construct validity. Reliability was measured using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. Results: The result of confirmatory factor analysis indicated 42 items of I-CHBMS with six-factor solution (susceptibility, severity, benefits, barriers, cues to action and self efficacy) were acceptable as a new instrument. Cronbach’s alpha of the subscale ranged from 0.669 to 0.866, indicating a good range of reliability. Conclusion: The finding of the study suggested that I-CHBMS of breast self-examination practice has good psychometric properties and could be an appropriate measure for health beliefs related to breast cancer screening.
关键词:breast cancer; CHBMS; Indonesian version of CHBMS; psychometric properties