标题:A Política Nacional de Formação Docente: o programa de iniciação à docência no contexto brasileiro atual (The National Policy of Teacher Training: the program of initiation to teaching in the current Brazilian context)
其他标题:A Política Nacional de Formação Docente: o programa de iniciação à docência no contexto brasileiro atual (The National Policy of Teacher Training: the program of initiation to teaching in the current Brazilian context)
摘要:Abstract The work deals with the Institutional Program of Initiatives for Teaching (PIBID), as an action of the National Policy of Teacher Training (Brazil) that aims to encourage entry and stay in teaching license undergraduate courses. The objective is to analyze the context and the orientations that gave rise to the program, considering its innovative aspects and its weaknesses in the face of the changes taking place in the national scenario. The study has as a source of information the current legislation on teacher education, the work of researchers in the area and the official management and evaluation reports on the program, available online. It can be seen that the program, even though it has important recognition by researchers in the field and stands out as an innovation in teacher education in Brazil, is threatened in terms of its structure, objectives, and financial sustainability, and that, even though it is a part of the National Education Plan (BRASIL. PNE, 2014), it loses priority in the current government’s guidelines, deepening its weaknesses and making its continuity even more uncertain.