出版社:Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Complutense
摘要:The article analyzes the reception in the press of the orthographic reforms proposed by the Real Academia since 2010. Specifically, it focuses on writing adverb solo / sólo, but also draws on the accentuation of monosyllables, the demonstrative and the prefix ex. The objective is to determine the implication of the media in the dissemination of academic innovations, the degree of autonomy from them, and to establish the level of control over decisions on language and the degree of coherence that presents each newspaper. For this, eleven newspapers are studied, six general and five specialized in economy and sport, through a corpus of texts published for one month in 2014, divided into three genres: editorials, articles and informative articles opinion.
关键词:Lenguaje periodístico;normativa académica;modelo de comunicación;manual de estilo.
其他关键词:Language journalistic;academician normative;model of journalistic communication;manual of style.