期刊名称:Journal of Knowledge Management, Economics and Information Technology
摘要:When economic growth and consequently, social progress, is confronted with drastic changes a modification is needed. Mentality, vision or policy change? The principle of the four freedoms (goods, services, capital, labor force) is compulsory and forms a unit, however, the movement of labor constitutes a true “apple of discord” regarding the problem on democratic movements. The idea of equality of Opportunities for all European citizens, without discrimination, is a principle and rises to the level of fundamental European value. Equal opportunities for all represent a desideratum and one of the substance components of everywhere democracy, next to liberty and respect of the fundamental human rights. “The economic patriotism” is a formula designed to sensitize the European citizen, in order to block globalization, which penalizes both the market and the citizen itself.
关键词:economic-social policy ; employment ; equal rights ; high European unemployment ; labor market ; social benefits ; social security systems ; the economic patriotism