To evaluate the clinical features of conjunctival dermolipoma.
MethodsWe reviewed the ocular records of 18 consecutive patients diagnosed with dermolipoma in our hospital between March 2016 and March 2018.
ResultsThe study population consisted of eight females and 10 males with a mean age of 61 months (range 3 months to 45 years old), with a pinkish conjunctival mass located at a mean of 4.7 mm (range 2–8 mm) from the temporal limbus and anterior to the lateral orbital rim. The mean visual acuity of eight patients in whom it was possible to measure visual acuity was 0.9 (range 0.6–1.0). Surgery was performed in two eyes. Pathological examination revealed conjunctival dermolipoma. Postoperatively, there was no evidence of visual changes or specific complications.
ConclusionsConjunctival dermolipoma may be suspected in cases with a congenital subconjunctival non-movable mass, which can be confirmed by computed tomography and pathological examination.