其他摘要:Given the expansion of regulatory macro-prudential supervision concerns at an international level, the experiences of young democracies in their fight to ensure the protection of insurance holders, operators and investors against unfair, abusive and fraudulent practices can contribute to the stability, competitiveness and proper operation of the financial instrument markets. In Romania, the insurance market is quite small compared to other countries, due to the population’s lack of economic culture. However, the concentration of the insurance market in Romania is significant, given that 10 insurance companies cover about 80% of the insurance market, but also the fact that there is significant competition on the market, and no company holds a dominant position. In this study we analyzed the 2004-2016 activity of the best 3 Romanian insurance companies with a high degree of visibility due to their long-term continuity and influence on the domestic insurance market. Considering the increasing potential offered by Eastern Europe in general and Romania in particular, we believe that our study is particularly useful to specialists in the field interested in identifying ways to improve their investments in globalized financial instruments.