期刊名称:EQA - International Journal of Environmental Quality
出版社:Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna
其他摘要:The restoring effect of selective agronomic strategies on optimal soil functionality of degraded areas within organic vineyard was evaluated using the nematode community as an indicator of soil quality. Three different restoring strategies were implemented in two organic farms located in Tuscany (Italy). The relative abundance of nematode trophic groups and the maturity index showed that the use of compost improved soil biological quality and increased the abundance of predators. Instead, dry mulching and green manure applications were useful to control the most dangerous nematodes of grapevines, namely the virus-vector Xiphinema index (Longidoridae).
关键词:Free living nematodes; plant parasitic nematodes; dry mulching; green manure; compost