其他摘要:Increasing reactive nitrogen (Nr) deposition in the Arctic may adversely impact N-limited ecosystems. To investigate atmospheric transport of Nr to Svalbard, Norwegian Arctic, snow and firn samples were collected from glaciers and analysed to define spatial and temporal variations (1–10 years) in major ion concentrations and the stable isotope composition (δ15N and δ18O) of nitrate () across the archipelago. The and averaged −4‰ and 67‰ in seasonal snow (2010–11) and −9‰ and 74‰ in firn accumulated over the decade 2001–2011. East–west zonal gradients were observed across the archipelago for some major ions (non-sea salt sulphate and magnesium) and also for and in snow, which suggests a different origin for air masses arriving in different sectors of Svalbard. We propose that snowfall associated with long-distance air mass transport over the Arctic Ocean inherits relatively low due to in-transport N isotope fractionation. In contrast, faster air mass transport from the north-west Atlantic or northern Europe results in snowfall with higher because in-transport fractionation of N is then time-limited.To access the supplementary material for this article, please see supplementary files in the column to the right (under Article Tools).